So we are just wrapping up the last few days with the women. We are frantically trying to finish making store brochures for the workshops that the women are planning to give tourists, the store re-design, and teaching the women how to make patters,sew, and innovate products.
Today the women signed their contract too!! So we have 6 women who are the directors of the association. They are going to take out a loan that we facilitated for them. It isn´t really a loan, but more of a forced savings plan with a savings rate of about 26% annually. It is actually a really great system for the women. Some women can´t afford the loan so they are going to be ¨collabaradoras¨or collabarators, and will help the association in other ways. So that was a really great thing to have finally accomplished.
We have a big presentation tomorrow for the women, CARE and people in the community about what we´ve been doing for the last month. Things are crazy busy, but it should all work out. The group leaves for Antigua on Friday, I´m still deciding whether I will go with the group to Antigua or leave with a few friends to San Pedro which is where we went last weekend...
back to the store to finish it before tomorrow morning!